What’s Another Word for Team? 49 Synonyms.

Josh Spilker
December 13, 2023
What’s Another Word for Team? 49 Synonyms.

These terms can have slightly different connotations depending on the context in which they’re used, but all relate to the idea of a group of people working together towards a common goal or purpose.

If you’re looking for customer support team names, check out this list.

  1. Alliance
  2. Assembly
  3. Association
  4. Band
  5. Brigade
  6. Clan
  7. Club
  8. Coalition
  9. Cohort
  10. Collective
  11. Company
  12. Congeries
  13. Conglomerate
  14. Congregation
  15. Conclave
  16. Corps
  17. Council
  18. Coterie
  19. Crew
  20. Delegation
  21. Detachment
  22. Ensemble
  23. Faction
  24. Force
  25. Gang
  26. Gathering
  27. Group
  28. Guild
  29. House
  30. League
  31. Network
  32. Order
  33. Organization
  34. Outfit
  35. Pack
  36. Panel
  37. Party
  38. Platoon
  39. Posse
  40. Sect
  41. Set
  42. Society
  43. Squad
  44. Staff
  45. Syndicate
  46. Team
  47. Troop
  48. Troupe
  49. Unit

How Tettra Helps Your Team Share Knowledge

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